Become a Champion at Writing Winning Sales Copy in 6 Short Months!

No matter what type of copy you write, here's your chance to watch A-List Copywriter Kim Krause Schwalm provide game-changing feedback and copy critiques that will catapult your copywriting skill set and results to new heights... FAST!

  • 12 eye-opening LIVE mentoring calls for a fraction of what others have paid... plus the chance to get YOUR copy critiqued multiple times in group calls and office hours!
  • A-List-level copy feedback you can instantly use and apply to copy you write now... and watch your sales results soar!
  • Little-known tactics and secrets that transform weak, boring copy and turn it into eyeball-grabbing, persuasive sales copy that's impossible NOT to read and act on!
  • Good news for freelancers: Get ready to "wow" your clients with the best copy you've ever produced as your skillset transforms dramatically, so it's easier to get better results!

Seeing and hearing Kim's spot-on feedback will help you write smokin' hot, high-converting copy in no time!

Become a Champion at Writing Winning Sales Copy in 6 Short Months!

No matter what type of copy you write, here's your chance to watch A-List Copywriter Kim Krause Schwalm provide game-changing feedback and copy critiques that will catapult your copywriting skill set and results to new heights... FAST!

  • 12 eye-opening LIVE mentoring calls for a fraction of what others have paid... plus the chance to get YOUR copy critiqued multiple times in group calls and office hours!
  • A-List-level copy feedback you can instantly use and apply to copy you write now... and watch your sales results soar!
  • Little-known tactics and secrets that transform weak, boring copy and and turn it into eyeball-grabbing, persuasive sales copy that's impossible NOT to read and act on!  
  • Good news for freelancers: Get ready to "wow" your clients with the best copy you've ever produced as your skillset transforms dramatically, so it's easier to get better results!

 Seeing and hearing Kim's spot-on feedback will help you write smokin' hot, high-converting copy in no time!


To get on the wait list to find out about upcoming group and individual mentoring opportunities, go to this link. That way you can be among the first to hear about them!

Dear Copywriter or Business Owner,  

Doing this ONE thing with your sales copy may well be the single biggest needle-mover when it comes to generating better results.

Want to know what it is?

It's getting honest, expert feedback on your copy.

I've seen it with my own eyes... and even experienced it myself.

Early on in my copywriting career, one of the first long-form promos I wrote BOMBED the first time it was tested.

Lucky for me, I knew a more experienced copywriter who'd written successful copy for that same niche. And I got him to review my promo and tell me what he thought had gone wrong.

As a result, I came up with an entirely new angle to test, using a brand new headline and lead.

Do you want to know what happened next?

That "bomb" of a promo went on to become a 10-year control...

...making my client tens of millions of dollars and earning me hundreds of thousands of dollars in royalties!

That wasn't the first time I got feedback on my sales copy. Obviously there were those excruciatingly painful times when I was still figuring out what I was doing where I'd get frank feedback from clients on what needed "fixing".

There were also times when I'd purposely sign up for a conference JUST so I could get a "free" copy review by one of their expert copywriter speakers.

It was tough to find A-list-level copywriters who were willing to review copy back then. It's one reason I took advantage of opportunities to get copy chief'ed by the likes of Parris Lampropoulus and the late, great Clayton Makepeace when I was hired by their clients to write copy.

Getting feedback from copywriters who knew what the heck they were doing and had a track record of success turned out to be...

A huge game-changer for my copywriting career!

Since those early days, I've written at least 40-50 successful controls for some of the world's top direct response companies, including Boardroom, Advanced Bionutritionals, Green Valley, Agora, Healthy Directions, and National Geographic.

I've created just about every type of copy under the sun--from long-form sales pages, direct mail promos, and video sales letters (VSLs) to email campaigns, websites, landing pages, print and online ads, and much more.

And I've produced winning sales copy for just about every niche out there: nutritional supplements, health and financial newsletters, health books, skin care products, fitness programs and equipment, cookbooks, accounting software, air purifiers... you name it!

All in all, the sales copy I've written over the past 25 years has generated an estimated $1 billion dollars in revenue for my clients' businesses and my own.

And much of it started with getting frank, honest, expert critiques on my copy. I found it was the #1 way to learn, improve, and get exponentially BETTER fast!

Since I began mentoring other copywriters 5 years ago, I've seen them go from "newbie" to "expert" or from "good" to "great" in just months!

Some of my past mentees have gone to become well-known marketing experts and in-demand copywriting superstars...

They've catapulted their earnings by becoming copy chiefs, running email marketing programs, and launching their own offers...

Or they now work for top direct marketing companies and publishers. Heck, some are even mentoring other copywriters now or creating their own courses!

Take a look at what other copywriters and business owners who've gone through my copy mentoring program say about working with me...

"Truly a game-changer!"

Roman Alvarado and Tara Waetcher, two top copywriters now racking up six figures a year in the health, supplement, real estate, and/or biz opp spaces.

Roman says, “It’s crazy how much Kim helped me in such a short period of time. It’s truly been a game-changer!”

And Tara says, “Being mentored by Kim was a dream come true. I was right at that point in my career where my learning needed to go beyond books and courses. I needed a mentor. And what a mentor! She even helped me negotiate my first royalty deal!”

"A no-freaking-brainer of an investment!"

Jerrod Harlan became known for his email copy wizardry at one of the fastest-growing health companies, and now oversees copy and marketing for top clients. We celebrated him getting his first royalty-paying control while we were at a conference in Las Vegas in 2020.

Jerrod has this to say about my mentoring: “I can say, without a doubt, any investment into Kim’s training is a no-freaking-brainer… Being in her private mastermind has given me the courage to re-enter the freelance market—knowing I have the full support of one of the most connected, and accomplished, copywriters in the world.”

"Worth its weight in diamonds!"

And then there's Roland Eva, a copywriter hailing from the United Kingdom. I recently had a fabulous dinner with him when I was visiting Cambridge, England. We celebrated him reaching a big new goal: working for one of the top financial publishers in the U.K.

Here's what Roland has to say about my copy critiques: “Kim’s copy feedback throughout her mentoring program is the fastest way to see the difference between ‘what you think you know’ and what you can actually write. That’s why her honest, response-boosting feedback is worth its weight in diamonds."

But let's be crystal-clear...

Being mentored by me isn't just about getting your copy critiqued, or watching and learning as others get my eyes on their copy.

It's about learning how to think the way I do... to discover how a proven, seasoned, A-list copywriter approaches writing successful copy.

The secrets, tactics, and strategies I'll reveal are often ones you'll never find in any course or book.

And they're certainly not ones you'll find spewing forth from Chat-GPT or other AI tools.

In fact, if you want to get better output from using these kinds of tools... and become that "conductor" that many companies need their copy chiefs and marketers to become...

You HAVE to understand how great copy is made, and what makes it "dangerously" good!

That's what you'll get out of this opportunity to join my brand-new Copy Champions live mentoring experience... and let me help you dramatically transform your sales copy and results over 6 short months.

This new mentoring group is for copywriters, business owners, marketers, and anyone who writes or oversees sales copy. And it kicks off in January 2024 to help make the New Year your best ever!

Here's a glimpse of what you'll get when you join Copy Champions now...

12 LIVE small-group mentoring calls that give you the chance to get my eyes on YOUR copy... and watch and learn as I give honest feedback on other people's copy!

Copy Champions gives you a copy-transforming experience in each live call you attend, building on each experience over a period of six months. Twice each month there's a 90-minute to 2-hour group call where you can submit copy for my review.

Just submit any copy you'd like me to review by the day before each weekly call (you'll want to make sure it's as "clean" and free of typos as possible). Or you can simply show up ready to watch and learn.

In each weekly call, I'll have time to cover 6-8 pieces of copy that are submitted in advance. And each live call will be recorded, with the video and audio recordings shared afterwards so you can go back and review them... or catch up if you can't be there in person.

Whether it's your copy being reviewed or not, I'll take questions and provide answers if there's something you don't understand. And I'll do my best to make sure everyone who wants to submit copy gets a chance to have their copy reviewed at least a few times in these live calls.

It's the closest thing to being in one of my high-dollar mentoring groups... without forking over thousands of dollars or committing to a costly, ongoing mastermind!

Here are the tentative dates I've penciled in on my calendar for our 12 live mentoring calls during the first 6 months of 2024 (all are on Wednesdays and start at noon Eastern time):

January 17th and 31st

February 14th and 28th

March 13th and 27th

April 10th and 24th

May 15th and 29th

June 12th and 26th

Remember, ALL of these calls will be recorded. You'll get full access to the video and audio recordings in your Podia course portal! (I've even got some practice assignments for you that you can use to write copy if you don't have any client work you're working on or want to share.)

But that's not all...

You can drop in for "office hours" with yours truly twice a month to get direct feedback on your copy!

During the weeks when we don't have a live group call, I won't leave you hanging. That's because I'll set aside twice-monthly "office hours" where you can drop in and get access to yours truly throughout our six months together.

You can use this time to get my direct feedback on your copy (or show me your latest draft based on suggestions I already gave you). You can also use this time to ask any questions you have that are copy or client-related.

Or you can use this time to just hang out while I review other people's copy or provide coaching. Because that's a great way to immerse yourself and learn as much as you can!

And that's still not all...

You can bounce off ideas, ask questions, and get feedback from your fellow Copy Champions in between calls!

One of the biggest benefits I've seen my mentees enjoy -- after running mentoring groups the past 5 years -- is getting to know other copywriters and business owners. That's especially true since, like with past mentoring groups I've run, I plan to have everyone start at the same time and end at the same time. There's a special camaraderie that naturally develops over that six-month period.

That's important because let's face it... being a freelance copywriter or solopreneur can be a lonely experience. Sure, we don't have to deal with office politics, inflexible work schedules, or someone stealing our leftover mac-and-cheese from the community fridge that we brought in for lunch.

But we also don't have the benefit of casual conversations at the water cooler, where you can bounce ideas off a colleague, get their feedback or input on something, or just confirm you're not completely crazy when dealing with a particular challenge.

That's why I'm also including our own private Slack group, for you and your fellow Copy Champions... and for me, too! Consider it our own virtual "water cooler" where we can connect in-between calls and office hours. (And yes, it's another way you'll have access to me since I plan to drop in for some "water breaks" as well!)

So there you have it: a total of 12 live group mentoring calls... office hours with yours truly twice a month... and 6 months of "water cooler hangouts" with me and your fellow Copy Champions.

Imagine how much your copywriting prowess will improve... how much more confident you'll feel when you write copy and turn it into your client or boss (or run it as an ad or to your list)... and how many new copywriter and business owner friends you'll meet over the next 6 months!

It all starts with taking this next crucial step right now, before this 6-month mentoring experience kicks off in January...


What can honest, response-boosting feedback on your copy do for your business or freelance career?

I shared with you earlier how transformative it was for me to get honest, expert, response-boosting feedback on my copy from some of the best in the business back when I started out as a freelance copywriter.

And I've got dozens more examples and testimonials besides the ones I've shared here from copywriters and business owners who I've personally mentored... and who've gone on to become in-demand copywriters, work with top companies, launch their own successful offers, and catapult their earnings.

Now you have the rare opportunity to find out and experience what this type of copy feedback and mentoring can do for YOU when you join Copy Champions for its six-month maiden voyage.

I’ll give you the opportunity to regularly submit your own copy for personal feedback… and watch and learn as I review and critique other people's copy.

I'll provide you with practice assignments if you need them (no guarantees, but some could even lead to real-life work with a client). And I’ll give you the chance to ask questions if there's something you don't understand, either on our live calls, during office hours, or in the Slack group.

Seeing me "in action" LIVE (or on the recordings later) will speed up your copywriting prowess and know-how significantly... just like it's done for the more than 50 people I've personally mentored and the additional 50 or so that have gone through my recent copy mentoring sprints.

When I offered these copy mentoring sprints this past Summer and Fall, the feedback was incredible. And during each of these 4-week sprints, I personally witnessed people's copy improving significantly in just a short period of time.

That's why I'm so excited to be able to make Copy Champions available for six full months. It's the same length of time during which I've seen major transformations in other copywriters and business owners I've mentored.

Plus, unlike my recent copy mentoring sprints, I'm adding in office hours and the "office water cooler" Slack group to make this experience even more valuable and transformative for you.

Now you may be wondering how much this is going to cost (answer: a lot less than you might think!)

My past copywriting mentees happily forked over as much as $12,000 to go through my 6-month-long mentoring program that I've offered in the past. That's $2,000 a month!

And it was well worth it. Many say my training and copy feedback dramatically improved the strength of their sales promos. I've had people tell me it CHANGED the way they write copy.

Meanwhile, I've had copywriters who've gone through my recent 4-week mentoring sprints notice a dramatic difference right away. One copywriter who got the chance to get a few of his emails critiqued by yours truly had this to say...

"Just the copy critique alone helped me improve my emails tenfold. I’ve applied Kim’s lessons to all of my future emails and my current client said 'these are the best emails you’ve written.' ... I appreciated the brutal honesty of 'that’s boring' and 'who cares' from Kim, too, ha ha."

And that was after just ONE group copy review session!

I honestly don't know how to put a number on something that can bring you such massive returns over the course of your copywriting career.

Because of that, I know I could easily charge $12,000 for this six-month Copy Champions mentoring experience and it'd be worth every penny. After all, that's what my past mentees have paid for an equivalent amount of calls.

But this initial six-month maiden voyage of Copy Champions won't cost you $12,000.

It won't cost you $6,000... $4,000... or $2,500 either.

Instead, you'll be able to fully participate in this 6-month copy mentoring experience with yours truly for just $1,782 $1,497 when you pay upfront.

No, that's NOT a misprint!

And to make Copy Champions even easier to fit into your training budget, I'm offering you the option of making monthly payments instead of just $297 each over the next six months.

Take action NOW to make 2024 your best year ever... and get in the door at the lowest price you're going to see!

Honestly, even if you had to miss some calls, or couldn't make any of them, just having the recordings of me providing real-time copy critiques and feedback would still make Copy Champions worth at least 10 times what you paid for it.

Plus there's the office hours twice a month that you can take advantage of... as well as the opportunity to ask questions and connect with others in our private Slack group.

At just $297 per month (or less than that if you pay upfront), it's an incredible value for the investment you'll be making in upgrading your copywriting skillset and know-how significantly.

But once this program fills up, I'll be closing the doors. I want to keep this group a manageable size so that everyone who wants to get feedback on their copy can get it. In fact, I've got just a few spots left as of right now.

That's why you'll want to sign up for Copy Champions now, while you can do so at this insanely-good price and while the doors are still open.

If anything can make 2024 your best year ever in copywriting, THIS would be it.

So be sure to click that big red button below and take action NOW, before I come to my senses!

Yours for smarter marketing,


P.S. You're going to get multiple chances to get my eyes on your copy in our live group calls and during office hours. But if you also want to have private one-on-one mentoring calls with me, I'm offering a limited number of VIP spots where you can add six 1-hour private mentoring sessions to Copy Champions.

If you see this VIP option pop up as an add-on at checkout, that means spots are available. If you prefer to pay for the VIP upgrade on a monthly basis instead, you can wait to add this option when you get your welcome email from me after you join Copy Champions. However, when you pay upfront for the VIP upgrade, you get 6 private mentoring sessions for the price of 5 and save $500!

Don't miss this chance to get response-boosting copy feedback and watch Kim transform other people's copy. Grab your spot TODAY... the start date is coming up quick!

[ ] YES! Sign me up for A-List copywriter Kim Krause Schwalm's 6-month Copy Champions six-month copy mentoring experience. I understand the first live group mentoring call is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, January 17th at NOON Eastern time, and that the first office hours may take place before that date.

Over the next six months during 12 live group calls, I’ll get the opportunity to watch, listen, and learn as Kim critiques sales copy that's been submitted and have the chance to get her eyes on my own copy. Plus I'll have the opportunity for additional coaching and feedback during Kim's twice-monthly office hours... and connect with other Copy Champions in the private Slack group.

I'll get all of this for just $1,782 $1,497 or six monthly payments of just $297 each. I understand that after each weekly group mentoring session, I'll get access to all the video and audio recordings.

Furthermore, I understand there are no refunds because all of the training is delivered either live during the calls or digitally. And if I fail to make monthly payments (if I choose that option) when they are due, I understand that I will have my access to the program and past recordings removed.

Here's what others say about their recent copy mentoring experience with Kim Krause Schwalm...

Made my copy read 10x better!

“The Mentoring Sprint was GREAT. You helped me to see stuff about my copy I couldn't possibly have on my own. Stuff that's pretty much stuck in my head and will reflect in everything I write. Simply making the tweaks you recommended made my copy read 10x better! And that's just from MY 10-minute-ish critiques! Not to talk of all the others' critiques that kept leaving sparks of insight in my brain for writing much better copy. The helpful comments from other participants were great, too.”

-- Folarin Madehin, Copywriter

A great learning experience!

“Kim offered honest and solid feedback and many copywriting tips as she went through numerous submissions in each class. She stayed fully engaged and let us ask as many questions as we wanted. It was a great learning experience. Even though copywriting is not as easy a craft as it seems, Kim's guidance has made it less intimidating for me.”

-- Annu Sharma, Copywriter

Conversions went UP!

“Helped surgically point out areas for improvement, increase clarity, trim redundancies and see how an A-list writer looks at different pieces of copy. Hard to give an exact number so far but this short sprint improved a control that is currently running and conversions went up.”

-- Alex, Business Owner

Gave me great feedback and opened my eyes!

“Everyone that wants to improve their writing absolutely needs to participate in copy critiquing, REGULARLY! Bonus if you do it with a copywriter of Kim's caliber! You gave me some really great feedback for my own website copy and for one of my client projects. Some of the tips weren't even something I was thinking about, it opened my eyes on things I haven't considered. And that's the real value of copy critiquing: you're too close to your own thing. You need an outsider's perspective. But only from someone that knows their shit. Like Kim. Thank you.”

-- Masha Koyen, Content Marketer and Copywriter

Helped my message connect with my audience!

“The Copy Mentoring Sprint with Kim (A Rockstar A-List Copywriter!) was so much more than a simple critique. It was a candid conversation that encouraged me to think about my copy from a different perspective. It was practical tips and strategies (not just formulaic adherence) to help me get to the heart of my message to connect with my audience. And she even flexed her biceps for us 😉 to remind us that anything is possible... when we do the work.”

-- Maia Richardson, Copywriter

Amazed by how SIMPLE Kim made it!

"When I read Kim’s offer, I couldn’t believe my eyes -- an opportunity to get HER eyes & feedback on my work! The biggest benefit was watching a seasoned pro explain their thought process while reading through copy. I was always amazed by how ‘simple’ it seemed when Kim talked through it -- like the answers to what we were puzzling over were so obvious! How just a few tweaks and re-tooling could make a world of difference… it was second nature to Kim! Also paying attention to the types of questions Kim would ask, questions the copy really needs to answer. So helpful! I’ve only ever heard of you as ‘the big name’ (it takes a lot to get mentioned repeatedly, and with respect, by Ben Settle, etc.) I was pleasantly surprised by how approachable, personable, and down to earth you are. You truly cared about helping me improve my work and you were kind in your feedback.”

-- Jill Jensen, Copywriter 

A no-brainer!

“I've read stories about how some modern-day copywriters had the experience of working with Gary Halbert, one of the greatest copywriters of all time. I've often wondered how cool it would be to be mentored by an A-Lister like him. So when I saw the offer that Kim made, I knew this was my chance. I mean, how often can you be mentored by someone who has the track record of a Kim Krause Schwalm and is still at the top of her game? I've invested in other courses before where I had to think about the price tag versus the value I would get, but not this one. I thought if Kim is crazy enough to make this offer, then I'm jumping on it. It was a no-brainer -- and overall I learned a lot!"

-- Gerard Lennon, Copywriter


KIM KRAUSE SCHWALM was always a marketer who could write copy. She spent more than 13 years in the corporate world in various marketing positions—from Marketing Director to Brand Manager to Publisher. 

She also helped launch and run the Healthy Directions supplement business—and grow it to the equivalent of more than $40 million in sales in today’s dollars within its first 3 years. 

Now more than two decades later, Kim’s built a reputation as one of the top A-level direct response copywriters in the country. She’s developed a proven track record of writing successful copy for respected health and financial publishers, leading supplement companies, and a wide range of other businesses.   

Kim is also the founder of the Get Dangerously Good copywriting training and mentorship hub. It’s where she helps copywriters become dangerously good at their craft—and master the techniques, client management skills, and CEO mindset that will make them A-List exceptional in their industry.

She's one of the few top-level copywriters who’s still writing copy for select clients. Plus she's the author of the #1 Amazon best-selling book Client Badassery Secrets, designed to help copywriters build successful and hassle-free businesses.

Kim holds a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Statistics, and went on to earn her MBA in Marketing. She credits her creative and analytical mind and marketing know-how for giving her a must-needed edge in today’s increasingly competitive and ever-changing copywriting world—and wants to help others gain the same “marketing-savvy” advantage.

She’s one of the few top-level copywriting veterans who’s still writing copy for clients… while being willing to share her success secrets to help up-and-coming copywriters go from “good” to “great”. Kim is also the author of the Amazon #1 best-selling book, Client Badassery Secrets. 

Kim has mentored dozens of copywriters, marketers, and business owners, including some of today’s hottest rising superstars. And now she can do the same for you.

What People Are Saying About Kim Krause Schwalm...

 One of the top copywriters on the planet! “Kim is one of the top copywriters on the planet, and I don’t think anyone in her world would disagree with that. She has beaten controls by the best-of-the-best—including guys like Jim Rutz which, if you know who he is, you know that’s no small feat. If you ever get the chance to learn from her or work with her, you’d be foolish to pass it up.” 

—Ben Settle, Email copywriting expert 

 One of the hottest copywriters alive! “Kim Krause Schwalm is one of the hottest copywriters alive. She has had many red-hot controls—both in the health and wealth fields—and her insights are money in the bank...”  

—Superstar copywriter Clayton Makepeace 

 She’s the real deal! “I get so sick of people on the internet pretending to be copywriting gurus without one iota of major-league experience. They drive me crazy. But Kim is someone who has worked at the highest levels of this business, competed against the very best copywriters in the world, and proved herself to be a winner again and again. Kim’s event was fantastic!”  

—Richard Armstrong, A-List Copywriter and Author 

 My highest recommendation! “I've been writing copy for my own businesses and for a handful of clients for almost a quarter of a century. And I've learned a thing or two about what it takes to be a top copywriter. And ‘what it takes’ is something that very, VERY few people have. That's why you can count the A-listers on just two hands. Kim Krause Schwalm is one of those very, VERY few people. If you're lucky enough to get her attention...get her interested in your project... and IF you can get on her would be insane to not hire her. She has my highest recommendation.”  

 —Doberman Dan, Copywriter, Author, and Serial Entrepreneur

 Beats controls left and right! “There are a handful of copywriters who have been consistent, reliable and incredibly versatile during my 35+ year career in direct response marketing...and Kim Krause Schwalm is in that elite group. Kim continues to beat controls left and right for a wide variety of marketers, online and offline...Kim always writes copy that grabs the audience's attention; and because of her extensive background in marketing and not just copywriting, she understands all of the nuances of direct response. And she is a delight to work with. Every copywriter should follow Kim's lead in paying as much attention to every aspect of a project...front end, back end, and everything in-between. And if that was the case, we'd have many more world class copywriters.”  

—Brian Kurtz, Titans Marketing LLC 

 An absolutely top-level writer! "Kim works with the best clients out there (I know, because some of them are my clients as well!) She is one of the very few writers I recommend when someone is looking for--and can afford--an absolutely top-level writer."  

—David Deutsch, Top A-Level Copywriter 


Copyright 2023